Výroba papíru a novin
Autre(s) titre(s): Production of Paper and Newspaper
Genre: Documentary film
Année: 1925
Durée: 32:50 min:sec
Description: Wood to be used for paper production is stored in the town of Česká Kamenice. Here they also prepare logs for processing - they are put to special magazines and are used for the production of wood chips. Then we can see the process of wood pulp and cellulose mixing, grinding, dewatering, pressing and drying. After the paper has been pressed and dried, it is being wound to huge paper rolls, which are then packed for transport and are sent to the Melantrich Printing House in Prague, marked with the M logo. The second part of the film is showing the work of people in the printing house, where so-called photographic approach is applied. We can follow the production of the Pražský Ilustrovaný (Czech Illustrated Bulletin) magazine. In the composing room they are printing colour prints, we can also watch a compositor working, there are also Linotype machines (invention of Otmar Mergenthaler) there, and a casting device for the production of dies to be used for printing of the České Slovo (Czech Word) newspaper. We can see Slavia team football players reading the newspaper. From the dispatch department the newspaper gets to the hands of newsboys, who are leaving the printing house early in the morning to sell the paper in the streets.
Mots-clés: dokument / papír výroba / výroba papíru / dřevo na výrobu papíru / sklady dřeva / stroje lisovací / stroje ofsetové / ofset / tiskárna Melantrich / Melantrich tiskárna / řezačka v tiskárně / sazárna / noviny České slovo / expedice novin / stroj sázecí Linotype / rotačky / kamelotka / Linotype stroj sázecí / stroj rotační ofsetový / stroj licí na výrobu matric / kameloti vycházejí z tiskárny / časopis Pražský Ilustrovaný Zpravodaj / paper production / wood yards / wood used for paper production / pressing machines / offset machines / printing house Melantrich / offset / composing shop / trimmer in the printing house / newspaper dispatch / composing machine / Linotype / rotary press / newsboy / Linotype composing machine / printed matters / newspapers / rotary offset machine / magazines / printing house / readers / Czech Word / Prague
Fournisseur: Národní filmový archiv
Droits: In Copyright / Národní filmový archiv
Société de production: AB
Couleur: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Type de document:
Recueil: Český dokumentární film
Language: cs